
Software is another key component of the EfficienCE Toolkit. Since modelling and simulation programs increasingly facilitate decision-making in the world of urban development, traffic management and transport planning, there needs to be a platform to exchange tools. Especially when assessing increased efficiency in electrical power demand or fuel consumption, testing assumptions digitally is a must.

TitleAuthor/PublisherYear publishedKey WordsBrief DescriptionApplication AreaTarget AudienceTool TypeSourceAccess
Matlab – SimulinkMathworks1994Simulation, Energy Consumption, ToolMultidomain modelling and simulation tool for designing and simulating technical systems before moving to hardware.Analysis, scenarios and measure selection Research institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
Excell with solverMicrosoft OfficeSimulation, Energy Consumption, ToolSolver is a Microsoft Excel add-in program for optimization in what-if analysis.Analysis, scenarios and measure selection Research institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
RR projectStatistics, Energy Consumption, ToolR is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.Data GatheringResearch institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
QGIS with plugins AeguilibraEQGIS2013Spatial Planning, Energy ConsumptionQGIS (until 2013 known as Quantum GIS) is a free and open-source cross-platform desktop geographic information system (GIS) application that supports viewing, editing, and analysis of geospatial dataData GatheringResearch institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
ArcGIS with Python and GAMS ESRI1999Spatial Planning, Energy ConsumptionArcGIS is a family of client software, server software, and online geographic information system (GIS) service.Data GatheringResearch institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
EMMEINROTransport Planning, Energy Consumption, ToolTransportation forecasting system for planning the urban, regional and national movement of peopleAnalysis, scenarios and measure selection Research institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
DynameqINROTransport Planning, Energy Consumption, ToolSimulation and evaluation of traffic studies with a single, detailed traffic model of the entire city.Analysis, scenarios and measure selection Research institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
CityPhiINROTransport Planning, Energy Consumption, ToolData Visualization and Visual Analytics for large-scale mobility and geospatial datasetsAnalysis, scenarios and measure selection Research institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
Opentrack with OpenPowerNETIfB – Institut für Bahntechnik2009Rail Transport, Energy Consumption, ToolOpenPowerNet is a traction power supply and train performance simulation software. OpenPowerNet does the traction Power Supply Calculation as well as the Advanced Train Model simulation. The operational simulation is done by OpenTrack in co-simulation with the electrical simulation. Analysis, scenarios and measure selection Research institutes, Public transport operators/ authorities Software / Modelling ToolLink$
ViriCitiViriCiti2012Monitoring, Energy Consumption, ToolOnline monitoring system to provide in-depth insights from energy management to maintenance, tailored to the individual fleet’s needs.Appraisal and assessment Public Transport Operators, OEM`s, Metropolitan Areas, Medium-Sized Cities, Large CitiesSoftware / Modelling ToolLink$
FlexmeterMonitoring, Energy Consumption, ToolFlexible smart metering for multiple energy vectors with active prosumers. The new metering systems provides the view for end-user affordability of electricity, energy and market efficiency improvement, CO2 emissions and pollutants reduction.Appraisal and assessment Public Transport Operators, OEM`s, Metropolitan Areas, Medium-Sized Cities, Large CitiesSoftware / Modelling ToolLink
Photovoltaic geographical information systemEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre2022Energy Production, PVGIS is a web application that allows the user to get data on solar radiation and photovoltaic (PV) system energy production, at any place in most parts of the world. It is completely free to use, with no restrictions on what the results can be used for, and with no registration necessary.Analysis, scenarios and measure selection Public Transport Operators, OEM`s, Metropolitan Areas, Medium-Sized Cities, Large Cities, CitizensSoftware / Modelling ToolLink$
Energy performance classification tool (EPC)SiemensEnergy efficiency assessment, building managementThe tool allows a quick analysis of the BACS functionality for the installed technical building infrastructure (HVAC plants, lighting, shading) and an estimation of potential energy savings and payback time. It assesses the BACS Energy Performance Classification of your building based on the standard EN 15232-1:2017.Appraisal and assessment Public Transport Operators, OEM`s, Metropolitan Areas, Medium-Sized Cities, Large Cities, CitizensMethodLink$